Metal Forming Assembly Technology

Metal forming and assembly technology. Overcomes every challenge.

Temperature management, acoustic behavior, safety, electromagnetic compatibility, aerodynamics and cost-effectiveness are key factors that have to be overcome by our metallic stamping and molded parts plus associated assemblies and our shielding systems. They are used in passenger cars and commercial vehicles with electric drive, vehicles with combustion technology, as well as in non-automotive and stationary applications.

Product solutions in the area metal forming and assembly technology.

We set standards with our decades of experience in the field of high-precision metal processing, combined with a unique material expertise and high innovative strength. Assembling complex components is one of Stuttgart Manufacturing US particular strengths: cost-optimized, reliable and close to our customers worldwide. The portfolio covers structurally relevant components and assemblies, such as battery or module housings or covers, inverter covers and adapter fans. Other product solutions include high-voltage shielding, a wide range of covers with functional integration and thermal and acoustic shielding parts for a wide range of applications.