Product solutions in the area metal forming and assembly technology.

Temperature management, acoustic behavior, safety, electromagnetic compatibility, aerodynamics and cost-effectiveness are key factors that have to be overcome by our metallic stamping and molded parts plus associated assemblies and our shielding systems. They are used in passenger cars and commercial vehicles with electric drive, vehicles with combustion technology, as well as in non-automotive and stationary applications.

Products in the field of battery technology. Future-proof solutions in series production.

One of Stuttgart’s  core areas of expertise is combining a variety of different components reliably into a single assembly. This is a key advantage, in the field of battery technology in particular. We are a development partner and supplier of both individual components and complete systems.

Good to know: Our product areas for lightweight construction/elastomer technology, sealing technology, drive components as well as metal forming and assembly technology, also provide tailored solutions for electric vehicles, such as battery housings and covers, components for thermal propagation protection, stamp packages, a wide range of sealing systems and underbody shielding.

Intelligent lightweight construction. For all drive types.

For Stuttgart Manufacturing US, intelligent lightweight construction is more than just reducing weight. We use lighter materials – fiber-reinforced plastics, thermosetting plastics, organic sheet materials, and metallic materials such as aluminum and magnesium – in combination with state-of-the-art manufacturing processes. This opens up the option of increased function integration, which can reduce the total number of parts. Development times and costs are also reduced in addition to weight and material. Lightweight components from Stuttgart US, impress with the highest quality and maximum customer benefit.

The advantages at a glance

  • High cost effectiveness
  • Many functions integrated
  • Function check of complete module
  • Improved NVH characteristics
  • Design flexibility
  • Shorter development times
  • Reliable, easy assembly
  • Recyclability
  • Resource efficiency

Thermoplastic composite hybrid technology

Plastic-metal hybrid technology

Pressing and forming technology

Plastic injection-molding and elastomer technology